Friday December 07th 2007, 3:26 pm
Shopping at Lidls can be an interesting challenge, finding little gems amongst the shelf loads of run-of-the-mill cheap produce with hardly a recognisable brand in sight to help you get your bearings. You definitely need glasses handy to check the multi-lingual lists of ingredients.
But sometimes special things are right under your nose. They are currently selling these dinky little shopkeeper’s crates of clementines which are sweet enough to use as part of your Christmas decorations. If you have any fruits left, Nigella does a squidgy clementine cake here which is worth a go and I have heard glowing reports about it.
1 Comment
yes! It IS a fab cake, I made a chocolate orange similiar version yesterday. yummyyumyy!
Comment by Bev 12.07.07 @ 7:43 pm