Monday July 14th 2008, 10:15 am

A string of flags decorate a tree in the village

The weekend was an important one in our community calendar, it was time for our annual village carnivaL This gives men an excuse to wear frocks and dogs a reason to wear bandanas and everyone is allowed to let their hair down, especially if it is flourescent green or day-glo orange.
The carnival starts with a procession through the village of decorated floats, the carnival queen and her attendants waft past sat amongst a cloud of fluffy crepe paper flowers and there is a marching band, then it is straight to the playing fields where the carnival gets into full swing. It is always good to make directly for the tea tent where every year the ladies never fail to put on a fabulous spread of homemade cakes and fill cups all day with hot tea.

Homemade cakes in the tea tent

There are displays of school children doing cheerleading routines, tug-of-war teams battle it out to even scores from the year before and a lucky dip to win a jar of pickled onions or a bar of soap. This year a chocolate fondue stall made an appearance with skewered strawberries ready for dipping as well as marshmallow kebabs.

Strawberries on skewers

A good day was had by all. Now it is looking forward to the next big event, the local produce show in a months time. Last year I entered 2 courgettes in the show, my first time ever taking part. Of course I didn’t win anything but this year… it is going to be serious.

Banana Man